
Kim Min-jung, Kim Min-jung,

Song Hye-kyo Says, "I'm Going, Too."

Shin Dong-Il "20 years after quitting alcohol and cigarettes, myocardial infarction and cancer and glaucoma shock" (direct interview 1)

Shin Dong-Il: Kim Min-jung's face is blurred by cancer.

Kim Min-jung certifies "five-year-old" mother-of-pearl beauty

41-year-old single Kim Min-jung "I'm playing my mother, only one person who has raised it" (white-half)

"The Society of Super-Global Actresses"...Kim Hye-soo and Song Yoon-ah and Kim Min-jung and Han Go-eun and Lee Tae-ran and Yoo Sun "We Are Seven Princesses" [comprehensive] ('White Half-Travel')