
'All The Butlers' Lee Seung-gi "Supporting Special Warrior? Failed"...Lee Sang-min x Cha Eun-woo also failed Confession

"So you're a fraud?"...Cha Eun-woo, a clear question to Lee Sang-min's failure theory (House Sabu)

'All The Butlers' Lula Lee Sang-min "Failure I'm Not Shameful, Success Process"

Lee Sang-min, 'The God of Failure' Sabu appears "Failure is not a shame" (All The Butlers)

'Deathmaster' Share hot air effect .. honor student Lee Seung-gi, top TV viewer rating 7.9%

'All The Butlers' Lee Seung-gi Shuka portfolio public [TVSocial bookmarking]

'Running Man' Yo Jae-Suk "second daughter better, looks like me, nostalgia"

'Running Man' Yo Jae-Suk "Daughter, I don't know who she looks like yet"