
Jung Dong-won, caster debuted as "the chicks grew stormy with chickens."

Yeon Woo-jin "Taning in the Gyeonggang Line Sole Field for Badgin, Gyeonggang Line Sundubu and Diet with Coffee"

"23rd Year Actor" Yoon Eun-hye, "I live in your family's single room until junior high school student...I don't eat rice in barley tea" ('White Half Travel')

Running Man' Kim Jong-kook, "Jang Hyuk, the best person I know...' SUfa 'leaders'

Running Man' Kim Jong-kook, happy to appear in best friend Jang Hyuk... Ji Suk-jin X Yang Se-chan, formation of emptiness Gyeonggang Line One regiment

Yoo Oh-seong's 'Smile Full of Charisma'

Yoo-sung's 'Strong Eyes'

Yoo Oh-seong 'Sometimes Smoothly'

Jang Hyuk's Perfect Charisma

Han Sun-hwa, 'Gyeonggang Line' Cho Hyun-sik and couple shots released ..