2pm, 'You have to' MV 10 million views to break...behind cut surprise release on June 30, 2021 2pm a comeback on the chart +1 Fly Me to Polaris must Wooyoung YouTube 2pm a comeback on the chart Fly Me to Polaris must Wooyoung YouTube
2pm, 28th Global comeback show 'Must' .. The first release of the new song 'You have to' on June 23, 2021 2pm a comeback on the chart Chang Woo Young + must 2pm a comeback on the chart Chang Woo Young must
2pm Taek-yeon, 'Must' Teaser Image...Fantasy charm with reverse charm on June 20, 2021 2pm a comeback on the chart +1 Chang Woo Young Moonlighting must Taek-yeon 2pm a comeback on the chart Chang Woo Young Moonlighting must Taek-yeon
2PM, 28th new Album 'Must' release...Fector Field Return for only 5 years on June 07, 2021 2pm a comeback on the chart Album must Perfect field + Return 2pm a comeback on the chart Album must Perfect field Return