
EXO Baekhyun, sm Appreciation First Solo Singer 1 Million Books Break

EXO, 'Knowing Brother' recorded on 28th ..broadcast on 7th December

EXO will return .. to the regular 6th album on the 27th comeback

EXO, 27th, regular 6th album 'obsession' announced ..11 months

EXO, 27th regular 6th album 'Option' release .. After 11 months of 'Love Shot' comeback

EXO, regular 6th album 'obsession' November 7th release ..

EXO's Return, Regular 6th Album 'OBSESSION' release November 27th

EXO, 27th, regular 6th album to confirm comeback ..

EXO, 'K Pop King' Return ..27 Regular 6th Album 'OBSESSION' release

EXO 27 Comeback, Will Million Seller Record Again?

EXO, 27th Regular 6th Album 'OBSESSION' release .. 'k pop King' return

'K-POP King' EXO's return, Regular 6th Album 'OBSESSION' 27 days release

EXO announced its regular 6th album 'Option' on the 27th ..

EXO comeback ..November releases regular 6th album on 27th

EXO, regular 6th album November 27 comeback confirmed ..

EXO, 27th full comeback with regular 6th album

'Combag' EXO Announces 'obsession' on the 27th

EXO, 27th Music album release... Is it a 'Queen Tertle Million Seller' record?

EXO, on the 27th, the regular 6th album 'obsession'

EXO, regular 6th album 'obsession' on the 27th comeback ..