
Jang Yun-jeong "Event ratio = one value for medium-sized cars" ..Kim Sook "Company Company Jang Yun-jeong falls off and sales flutter" (Dankey ear)

Kim Byung-hyeun, who lost 23.7 billion won, grew up in controversy over attitude...

'Donkey ear' Kim Byung-hyun, unanswered burger house sales .. yawning + nap next to guest

'Dank ear' Lee Dae-hyung joins Kim Byung-hyun burger alba "sales change"

"If it was another store, it's a complacent" Kim Byung-hyun, is business a joke? (Dangnae ear)

Doosan Yoo Hee-kwan and Flexen-lg Kelly Clarkson and Lee Min-ho, undeclared players

Flexen - Yoo Hee-kwan (Doosan), Lee Min-ho - Kelly Clarkson (lg) semi-playoff second leg unexecuted