
'Two Leave' Kim Jung-geun Announcer "Wife Lee Ji-ae Cheering...mbc Thanks"

Yoo Jae-Suk Breakthrough Infection Emergency...State between privacy controversy and pink

Lee Ji-ae - kim jung-geun, 'Naeronambul' act more deadly than Covid

'Corona Infection' Lee Ji-ae kim jung-geun couple, unfavorable attitude than Vaccine unvaccinated

'Uninoculated + confirmed' Lee Ji-ae kim jung-geun, controversy over house invitation privacy

The landlord is 'unvaccinated + nomask', the house guest is 'PCR Inspection'. 'tested positive' Lee Ji-ae kim jung-geun controversy

'Uninoculated tested positive' Lee Ji-ae invites junior to 'nomask' massage 'dispute'

"basal disease blames Vacine immunization": Lee Ji-ae kim jung-geun, Covid19 tested positive

Lee Ji-ae kim jung-geun, Covid19 tested positive...basal disease, Vaccine unvaccinated Infection