
Jeon So-min, Taking Off Dance appreciation of the top "I Want to See You Again" (Running Man)

"I Love You Ji Young-ah" Park Gun, a love-maker who decorates himself with Han Young Officetel ('House Band-Off')

Park Gun, Han Young Gangnam District Office Remodel "Business With Marriage" ('House Band-off')

Kim Ji-min Kim Jun-ho Park Gun Han Young, Couple Moment Shown at Home ('House Band-off')

Moon Jae-in and Lee Jae-myung NO, Yoon Seak-ryul YES..'You Quiz on the Block'

'You Quiz on the Block' Moon Jae-in and Lee Jae-myung should not be, and Yoon Seak-ryul should be?...The production team is silent.

"You Quiz on the Block" crew, Yo Jae-Suk excused