
"Twenty Five Twinty One" Bona, 2022 National First Love ascension "Reality of Popularity in This" ('Radio Star')

WJSN Bona, a pretty screen-filled look

'Point of Omniscient Interfere' Bona "Those who do not know if it is an idol ...

Yu Rim, naked in fencing suits, Bona, national level pretty

6 years of Kim Se-jeong and Ji Yeon Kim, time to bloom into Actor

Ending 'Twenty Five' Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Tae-ri, First Love .. Eternal well-being on their own path.

Sad Ending? 'Twenty Five Twinty One' Kim Tae-ri Nam Ju-hyuk, cheering for farewell

'Twenty five twinty one' by Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Tae-ri, so 'Happy ending'