
kia Yang Hyeon-jong, a high school graduate, taught a number to rookie Lee Min-ho----------------------

Yang Hyeon-jong 147 wins in his career! kia, 4-0 win over lg...Jamsil-dong ends 5 consecutive losses

Yang Hyeon-jong 8 innings perfect' kia hopes to beat lg in the fifth round

'5 walks is a shame,' lg Lee Min-ho, 613 innings 2 ERA against kia

'Three wins' rookie Lee Min-ho's steady ..Kyonggi digests more than 5 innings before selection

Hong Chang-gi Finals sports - Lee Min-ho 3 wins' lg secures kia winning series

Lee Min-ho 3 wins & Hong Chang-gi surprise finals .. lg beat kia to win three consecutive wins

Hong Chang-gi Final Four + Lee Min-ho 3 wins' lg, kia Winning Series .. kia 4 consecutive victories