
Innings of 623 innings in one run...Rookie candidate Lee Min-ho 'ERA 1.80'

Wilkelcha? For now, Lee Min-ho' may be lg Ace

Jamsil-dong dominated rookies... Lee Min-ho - Choi Jihun proves it wasn't sparkling

The main characters' eccentricity, Jordi Alba "Lee Min-ho cool" Lee Min-ho "Thank you so much"

'Seven innings 112 pitches' Lee Min-ho, 'two wins in the season' with guts in front

Lee Min-ho - Pinto, lg - sk Doubleheader 1st Game 1 matchup

'ERA Xero' broken rookie Lee Min-ho, debut first Lion hunter

'Now you are starting' lg Lee Min-ho 7 innings 7K 2 runs, debut first QS

lg Lee Min-ho, Samsung Lions' seven-inning two-run game 'debut first QS +'

Lee Min-ho, who has two runs in seven innings, is a loser in the top innings.

'debut most innings QS +' Lee Min-ho, Samsung Lions 7 innings and two runs

Big Thing is out! Lee Min-ho debut first win' lg, Deagu 3rd consecutive 2 wins and 1 loss