Lee Si-young - Oh Ji-ho, 'Affectionately Sogon' on May 27, 2019 9th day kbs Lee Si-young Oh Ji-ho Seoul + Yeongdeungpo-gu 9th day kbs Lee Si-young Oh Ji-ho Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu
Jean Hye-bin, perfect dress figure with side on May 27, 2019 9th day Drama Dress Jeon Hye-bin +1 Seoul Why old fashion weather Yeongdeungpo-gu 9th day Drama Dress Jeon Hye-bin Seoul Why old fashion weather Yeongdeungpo-gu
Yoo Jun-sang, "The Feng-Sang from Reality." on May 27, 2019 9th day Juamorris Stewart kbs Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu + Yoo Jun-sang 9th day Juamorris Stewart kbs Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu Yoo Jun-sang
GOT7 snakes 'I can't miss it' on May 26, 2019 BamBam cgv filtration intention GOT7 Seoul + Yeongdeungpo-gu BamBam cgv filtration intention GOT7 Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu
Summer 'size shawl' on May 18, 2019 rehearsal Seoul WJSN +0 Yeongdeungpo-gu rehearsal Seoul WJSN Yeongdeungpo-gu
"It's hard to bear...Exci, a cracked laugh on May 18, 2019 dispatch kbs rehearsal Seoul WJSN + Yeongdeungpo-gu dispatch kbs rehearsal Seoul WJSN Yeongdeungpo-gu
Heo Jin-min, 'heart full of puns' on March 20, 2019 Heo Jeong-min Party with staff Seoul Top star milky TVn drama + Yeongdeungpo-gu Heo Jeong-min Party with staff Seoul Top star milky TVn drama Yeongdeungpo-gu
Lee Sang-yeob, 'Cute V' on February 12, 2019 Lee Sang-yeob Seoul Top star milky TVn drama V + Yeongdeungpo-gu Lee Sang-yeob Seoul Top star milky TVn drama V Yeongdeungpo-gu
Lee Si-young, 'Fashion with a Twinkle' on January 12, 2019 9th day Juamorris Stewart kbs Lee Si-young Seoul + Yeongdeungpo-gu 9th day Juamorris Stewart kbs Lee Si-young Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu
Jun Hyon-moo, a sweet-hearted charm on January 11, 2019 Happy Together Jun Hyun-moo kbs Seoul + Yeongdeungpo-gu Happy Together Jun Hyun-moo kbs Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu
Angelina Danilova, Russian beauty's elegant commute to work fashion on January 11, 2019 Angelina walk into a bar Happy Together kbs Seoul + Yeongdeungpo-gu Angelina walk into a bar Happy Together kbs Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu
Lee Mi-joo's 'Clean Sun.' on January 11, 2019 kbs kbs music bank Lee Mi-joo lovelyz rehearsal Seoul + Yeongdeungpo-gu kbs kbs music bank Lee Mi-joo lovelyz rehearsal Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu
Apink Son Na-eun's 'Cute V' on January 11, 2019 apink kbs Seoul Singer Son Na-Eun V + Yeongdeungpo-gu apink kbs Seoul Singer Son Na-Eun V Yeongdeungpo-gu
Apink Son Na-eun's 'today is pure and youthful.' on January 11, 2019 apink kbs Oh Ha-young rehearsal +2 Seoul Son Na-Eun today Yeongdeungpo-gu Yoon Bomi apink kbs Oh Ha-young rehearsal Seoul Son Na-Eun today Yeongdeungpo-gu Yoon Bomi
K 'the hand drawing of doll' on January 11, 2019 Hand greeting kbs kbs music bank +1 lovelyz rehearsal Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu Hand greeting kbs kbs music bank lovelyz rehearsal Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu
Lee Mi-joo 'A lot of excitement from dawn' on January 11, 2019 kbs kbs music bank Lee Mi-joo lovelyz rehearsal Seoul + Yeongdeungpo-gu kbs kbs music bank Lee Mi-joo lovelyz rehearsal Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu
Jung Eun-ji 'fashionable athletic wear Way to work' on January 11, 2019 apink Jung Eun-ji kbs music bank +1 rehearsal Seoul Way to work Yeongdeungpo-gu apink Jung Eun-ji kbs music bank rehearsal Seoul Way to work Yeongdeungpo-gu
Yoon Bomi 'Black Charisma' on January 11, 2019 apink Black kbs music bank rehearsal Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu + Yoon Bomi apink Black kbs music bank rehearsal Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu Yoon Bomi
Luna "Beautiful looks in the Beautiful looks of the dots." on January 11, 2019 Beautiful looks kbs Luna rehearsal Seoul + Yeongdeungpo-gu Beautiful looks kbs Luna rehearsal Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu
Luna 'fashion on her luxury Way to work' on January 11, 2019 kbs Luna rehearsal Seoul Way to work + Yeongdeungpo-gu kbs Luna rehearsal Seoul Way to work Yeongdeungpo-gu