Icon Barbie Joy Crush, same romance rumor, but different reaction on August 24, 2021 Barbie bobby crush Joy Mamdouh Elssbiay RED + Velvet Barbie bobby crush Joy Mamdouh Elssbiay RED Velvet
Fans turned back to 'marriage and Child birth Notice' Icon Barbie on August 23, 2021 Barbie bobby Danger +0 Mamdouh Elssbiay Barbie bobby Danger Mamdouh Elssbiay
"I Loved You, Father"...Icon Barbie, Out of wedlock, September Birthplace marriage Shock Confession on August 22, 2021 Barbie bobby Father Kingdom + Mamdouh Elssbiay Barbie bobby Father Kingdom Mamdouh Elssbiay
Deleted content on August 20, 2021 Barbie bobby Danger Kingdom + Mamdouh Elssbiay Barbie bobby Danger Kingdom Mamdouh Elssbiay
'Barbie' Child birth Notices a Month Ago, Big Bomb Throws to Fans on August 20, 2021 Barbie bobby +0 Mamdouh Elssbiay Barbie bobby Mamdouh Elssbiay
Barbie, Out of wedlock + marriage 'shock'...I'm sorry I didn't have a hemisphere on August 20, 2021 Barbie +0 bobby Barbie bobby
Icon Barbie, Out of wedlock marriage...Child birth 'shocked' by notification just a month before on August 20, 2021 Barbie bobby Exo Kingdom + Mamdouh Elssbiay Barbie bobby Exo Kingdom Mamdouh Elssbiay
Icon Barbie announces sudden marriage "becomes dad in September" on August 20, 2021 Barbie +0 bobby Barbie bobby
Sandara Park X Barbie, a warm yg senior "Chan cute and Chan cool" on February 20, 2021 Barbie bobby Sandara Park +0 yg Barbie bobby Sandara Park yg
Icon Barbie unveils 'Ya Ugna' Special MV on February 13, 2021 Barbie bobby +0 Kingdom Barbie bobby Kingdom
Icon Barbie, today's Solo comeback...Regular 2 release on January 26, 2021 Barbie bobby Kim Donghyuk Koo Jun-hoe + Love Live! Barbie bobby Kim Donghyuk Koo Jun-hoe Love Live!
'Comback D-1' Barbie, 'LUCKY MAN' Museum of the Moving Image Poster unveils...strong swag + styling 'expectation' [official] on January 26, 2021 Barbie bobby Love Live! + Museum of the Moving Image Barbie bobby Love Live! Museum of the Moving Image
'Comback D-1' Barbie, 'LUCKY MAN' Museum of the Moving Image Poster unveils...strong swag + styling 'expectation' [official] on January 26, 2021 Barbie bobby ikon luckyman Museum of the Moving Image + Poster Barbie bobby ikon luckyman Museum of the Moving Image Poster
Icon Barbie reveals 'Ya Ugna' second Teaser...strong vs softness reverse presence on January 26, 2021 Barbie +0 bobby Barbie bobby
'Combag' Barbie unveils 'Addicted Synthesizer' as title song 'Ya Ugna' MV Teaser on January 26, 2021 Addicted Barbie bobby +0 Synthesizer Addicted Barbie bobby Synthesizer
Icon Barbie to join Record of Youth' OST "Park Bo-gum Growth Kahaani" on October 05, 2020 Barbie bobby Kahaani Park Bo-Gum Record of Youth + Spotlight Barbie bobby Kahaani Park Bo-Gum Record of Youth Spotlight