Park Seo-joon confirmed 'ItaeOne Clath' appearance .. 'Park Sae-roi' station in the house theater comeback on July 23, 2019 A house theater Actor Confirm Drama Itaewon One + Park Seo-joon A house theater Actor Confirm Drama Itaewon One Park Seo-joon
Park Seo-joon, straight youth transforms... 'ItaeOne Klath' appearance confirmed on July 23, 2019 Confirm Itaewon One Park Seo-joon transform + youth Confirm Itaewon One Park Seo-joon transform youth
Park Seo-joon confirmed JTBC 'ItaeOne Clath' appearance .. on July 23, 2019 A house theater Acting Actor Confirm Itaewon jtbc One + Park Seo-joon A house theater Acting Actor Confirm Itaewon jtbc One Park Seo-joon
'Exit' Jo Jung-suk, 'Entertainment Artist Live Invitation' + 'Running Man' Confirm on July 19, 2019 Confirm Exit Im Yoon-ah Jo Jung-suk + Running Man Confirm Exit Im Yoon-ah Jo Jung-suk Running Man
'Exit' Jo Jung-suk X Im Yoon-ah, 'Entertainment Artist Interview' 'Running Man' Confirm "Pangpang" on July 19, 2019 Confirm Exit Im Yoon-ah Jo Jung-suk + Running Man Confirm Exit Im Yoon-ah Jo Jung-suk Running Man
'Lion' Opening Week 2 Weekend Seoul Stage greetings confirmed .. Park Seo-joon and Ahn Sung-ki attended on July 19, 2019 Confirm Hwang Lion Park Seo-joon Seoul + Weekend Confirm Hwang Lion Park Seo-joon Seoul Weekend
Park Seo-joon X Kim Dae-mi X Yoo Jae-myung united .. 'Itaewon Clath' appearance confirmed on July 19, 2019 Acting Actors Confirm Drama +1 Itaewon Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon Yoo Jae-myung Acting Actors Confirm Drama Itaewon Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon Yoo Jae-myung
Park Seo-joon, JTBC 'ItaeOne Clath' appearance confirmed "I will get sympathy and support" on July 19, 2019 Cheering Confirm Itaewon jtbc One + Park Seo-joon Cheering Confirm Itaewon jtbc One Park Seo-joon
Park Seo-joon X Kim Dae-mi X Yoo Jae-myung 'Itaewon Klath' cast confirmed (official) on July 19, 2019 Acting Actors Confirm Itaewon Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon + Yoo Jae-myung Acting Actors Confirm Itaewon Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon Yoo Jae-myung
Park Seo-joon confirms the appearance of JTBC 'ItaeOne Clath' on July 19, 2019 Actor Confirm Itaewon jtbc One Park Seo-joon + Web toon Actor Confirm Itaewon jtbc One Park Seo-joon Web toon
Park Seo-joon, Kim Dam-mi and Yoo Jae-myung, and "Itaewon Clath" will be confirmed.The completion of the golden lineup (official) on July 18, 2019 Acting Actors Confirm Itaewon Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon + Yoo Jae-myung Acting Actors Confirm Itaewon Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon Yoo Jae-myung
Park Seo-joon confirms JTBC's 'ItaeOne Clath' appearance on July 18, 2019 Confirm Drama Itaewon jtbc One + Park Seo-joon Confirm Drama Itaewon jtbc One Park Seo-joon
'ItaeOne Klath' Park Seo-joon "Many people's lives, burdensome but challenging" on July 18, 2019 Acting Actor Confirm Drama Itaewon jtbc One + Park Seo-joon Acting Actor Confirm Drama Itaewon jtbc One Park Seo-joon
Park Seo-joon 'ItaeOne Clath' confirmed the appearance .. on July 18, 2019 Acting Actor Confirm Drama Itaewon One + Park Seo-joon Acting Actor Confirm Drama Itaewon One Park Seo-joon
Park Seo-joon confirmed 'ItaeOne Clath' appearance "Park Sae-roi station to keep the conviction" on July 18, 2019 Confirm Drama Itaewon jtbc One + Park Seo-joon Confirm Drama Itaewon jtbc One Park Seo-joon
Park Seo-joon X Kim Dae-mi X Yoo Jae-myung 'Itaewon Clath' lineup confirmed on July 18, 2019 Acting Actors Confirm Drama +1 Itaewon Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon Yoo Jae-myung Acting Actors Confirm Drama Itaewon Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon Yoo Jae-myung
'Itaewon Clath' Yoo Jae-myung and Jang Dae-hee confirmed .. on July 18, 2019 Acting co-work Confirm Itaewon Park Seo-joon + Yoo Jae-myung Acting co-work Confirm Itaewon Park Seo-joon Yoo Jae-myung
Park Seo-joon X Kim Dae-mi X Yoo Jae-myung, JTBC 'Itaewon Clath' appearance confirmed on July 18, 2019 Acting Actors Confirm Itaewon jtbc Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon + Yoo Jae-myung Acting Actors Confirm Itaewon jtbc Kim Da-mi Park Seo-joon Yoo Jae-myung