AOA Chan Mi, a sweetness delivered with a refreshing wink..."Tension is fully up." on June 23, 2022 aoa Chan Mi +
aoa Chan Mi, "outcast Disclosure" at the time of the heartfelt Confessions..."Thoughts to Stop" Tears (You Quiz on the Block) on June 16, 2022 aoa Chan Mi Confessions You Quiz on the Block +
AOA Chan Mi mother and daughter You Quiz on the Block' floats "The role of 200 youths without a place to go" on June 14, 2022 Chan Mi Jo Se-ho Yoo Jae-Suk Yoo Ji-tae You Quiz on the Block +
AOA Chan Mi mother and daughter You Quiz on the Block' floats "The role of 200 youths without a place to go" on June 14, 2022 Chan Mi Jo Se-ho Yoo Jae-Suk Yoo Ji-tae You Quiz on the Block +
AOA Kim Chan Mi, not Im Chan Mi.. bold see-through after scripture change on April 27, 2022 aoa Chan Mi +
'Twenty-five' Nam Joo-hyuk, Kim Tae-ri's heartfelt confession "I miss you every time I get weak" on February 20, 2022 Chan Mi Hope Kim Tae-ri Lee Jin Twenty Yu Rim +
Self-destructed Mina, AOA members are returning to the air on November 15, 2021 aoa Chan Mi Disclosure Jimin Mina Seolhyun YouTube +
Dasada but sticky AOA members, Hyejeong "Come on"...Chan Mi "Who Are You Meet?" on October 21, 2021 Chan Mi Hyejeong +
Idol is also the main job. Seolhyun, AOA? "I danced with Chan Mi." on October 21, 2021 aoa Chan Mi Seolhyun YouTube +
aoa Chan Mi, style changed for long-time Blady "get used to light makeup" on September 15, 2021 aoa Blady Chan Mi Disclosure Mina +