
Lee Ga-ryung, "That's a baby's deformity" in front of his in-laws...Lee Min-young Bing's Detective Danger ('Girl 3')

Park Joo-Mi remarriage Ji Young-san runaway .. 'Gongsong 3' highest audience rating 9.9%

'Girl 3' Park Joo-Mi Jeon Soo-kyung begins custody war 'Jia shooter great operation'

'Girl 3' Park Joo-Mi - Bubae, Maltonal jaw ending .. up to 9.4% per minute

'Girl Song 3' Bubae vs Ji Youngsan, pool Daechi station surrounding Park Joo-Mi...Angry muscle pride

'Girl Song 3' Body Love VS A humble ex-husband ..

Will Smyths, Oscar Cristiano Ronaldo rock assault..."was a joke" vs "never violence"

Will Smyths, Cristiano Ronaldo rock assault at Academy Awards "shocking the real situation"

'Girl 3' Lee, for example, 'Shocking Bing' ..Jeon No-Min blinded by jealousy 'blue'

Jeon No-Min has gone beyond the brazenness...the kids turned their backs on (the final song)