The Meaning of the Node and My endurance Anxiety, Lee Min-ho 5 Innings 1 Run on September 24, 2020 Changwon station Cutter Danger +1 Kwon Hee Dong Lee Min-ho Lee Myung Ki Park Min-woo Changwon station Cutter Danger Kwon Hee Dong Lee Min-ho Lee Myung Ki Park Min-woo
Five runs in the first inning, Hit by a bat...Lee Min-ho's "evil battle" six innings. on August 26, 2020 Cutter Deagu Hit Kang Min-ho +5 Kim Hun-Gon Kim Sang-su Koo Ja-wook Kyonggi Lee Min-ho Lee Sung-Gyu Park Hae-min Samsung Lions Cutter Deagu Hit Kang Min-ho Kim Hun-Gon Kim Sang-su Koo Ja-wook Kyonggi Lee Min-ho Lee Sung-Gyu Park Hae-min Samsung Lions
Kim Hun-Gon, a homer in 10 days...a left-center three-pointer against Lee Min-ho on August 26, 2020 Cutter Deagu Kang Min-ho Kim Hun-Gon Lee Min-ho + Samsung Lions Cutter Deagu Kang Min-ho Kim Hun-Gon Lee Min-ho Samsung Lions
Lee Min-ho, Sasa-gu and head-on must be Ace. on July 02, 2020 Ace Cole Hamels Cutter Danger +5 Earned run average Game Hit James Stewart Jamsil-dong Kyonggi Lee Min-ho Samsung Lions Ace Cole Hamels Cutter Danger Earned run average Game Hit James Stewart Jamsil-dong Kyonggi Lee Min-ho Samsung Lions
'Now you are starting' lg Lee Min-ho 7 innings 7K 2 runs, debut first QS on June 05, 2020 Cole Hamels Cutter Danger Deagu +9 Earned run average Hak-ju Lee Hit Jamsil-dong Kang Min-ho Kim Sang-su Lee Min-ho Lee Won-seok lg Quality start Rotation Samsung Lions Cole Hamels Cutter Danger Deagu Earned run average Hak-ju Lee Hit Jamsil-dong Kang Min-ho Kim Sang-su Lee Min-ho Lee Won-seok lg Quality start Rotation Samsung Lions
'Professional' Lee Min-ho's first win, lg got 'light speed selection' on May 23, 2020 Cole Hamels Cutter Deagu Forkball Hit Kyonggi Lee Min-ho + lg Cole Hamels Cutter Deagu Forkball Hit Kyonggi Lee Min-ho lg