
counter-fighting Lee Min-ho

Lee Min-ho, Selection Back-to-back

Lee Min-ho on the pressure of a first-round pick

Lee Min-ho throws hard

Lee Min-ho, homer forgets and is a gallant pitch

Doosan Fernandez 'turrenfo' to take steamer against Lee Min-ho

Lee Min-ho, head in first batter's dunes

"Lee Min-ho, I'm Not nervous at All" Head Coach's Expectations

Kim Tae Hyeong director "Short-term fight is atmosphere fight... I will do all the Operations that have to be done"

Flexen vs Lee Min-ho, Doosan overwhelming?

Junpo 1 selection, October's ultra-strong flexen - high school graduate Lee Min-hoa

Flexen - Lee Min-ho, today's KBO Semi-playoff first-round pick

lg Lee Min-ho vs Doosan Flexen face off to start semi-PO first leg

Twenty20 KBO Semi-playoff First Game Selection Flexen and Lee Min-ho

Twenty20 KBO Semi-playoff First Game Selection Flexen and Lee Min-ho

'Jamsil-dong Derby' Lee Min-ho - Flexen face off to start semi-PO first leg

Flexen - Lee Min-ho, tomorrow's KBO Semi-playoff first-round pick