
Han So Hee, Song Kang and romance rumor

This set from Lovelyz, hosts first solo concert

Hak-ju Lee "reminds of animals when it's hard to act."

"Elsa out of the way!"...Ahn Bo-hyun, the Snow Fairy, who sings "Winter Kingdom 3" appearances.

Monica X LipJessie J, Han So Hee and Femme aux Bras Croisés 'Click'...Fresh combination

Han So Hee, a person or a fairy...less beautiful than a heart, but 'overwhelming visual'

'Myname' World 3rd place, 'Oh' hot air?

Ahn Bo-hyun "preserves words and distances them more in front of a favorite person."

Netflix 'Myname' director Kim Jin-min

Han So Hee, pretty 'Myname' Ji-woo even if you throw it

Hee-soon Park, sleeping Han So Hee, open up to the public...

Han So Hee, a scene of everyday noir...Irreplaceable You aura

Hee-soon Park 'has a carisma-filled greeting'

Hak-ju Lee, 'sleek jawline'

Han So Hee, 'Perfect Sideline'

Han So Hee - An Bo-hyeon, 'Perfect Combination'

Jang Yul-ri: A Smile of Minority.

Ahn Bo-hyun 'gentle hand greetings'

Han So Hee, Alluring Visuals

Han So Hee 'catastrophic look'