
"The Prince has appeared...Chanyeol, the head of Handsome guy

"Walking, Runway"...Chanyeol, Fashionable Departure

EXO Chanyeol, the head of Courtfit

EXO Chanyeol, Milan Before Airport Likes Milan

EXO Chanyeol, Catwalk No One Can Follow

EXO Chanyeol, today's glowing warm glasses shot

EXO Chanyeol, Coat Fit Like a Picture

Only EXO Chanyeol, Chanyeol, can digest hair

"I can't even go glasses..." Chanyeol, the blond, warm-hearted.

"Visual, can I show you?"Chanyeol, a wheat-whip

EXO Chanyeol, Coat Gentleman

"Hoonhun EXO Friendship"...Suho, Chanyeol Snack Car Impressed by Gift "I Love You"

EXO Suho, Chanyeol Snacks Gift Love Explosion "I Love You"

Jang Sung-kyu "I'm a Choices Man by EXO...Chanyeol follower brags

"I'm the Choices Man by EXO" Jang Sung-kyu, Chanyeol follower bragging Milldang

"The Man Who EXO Choices" Chanyeol reacts to Sun-Kyu Jang in Sun-Pal

Jang Sung-kyu, Heart rattle on Chanyeol follower "The Man Who EXO Choices"

'Workman' Jang Sung-kyu, Insta Drip Power "The Man Who EXO Chanyeol Choices"

Jang Sung-kyu, Chanyeol thrilled by right arm "I'm the man whose EXO Choices"

EXO (EXO), Eru Unspeakable coolness (Airport fashion)