
Sunye "Wonder Girls Withdrawal, Yi Gi Chi Choices Is Right...What More Wants to Say"

To counter-act with ridicule.Sunye, you lacked explanations

Former Wonder Girls Sunye "Those who are traitors, what do you want more?

"I'm a traitor?" Sunye, listed in Wonder Girls Withdrawal Flaming

Sunye points out 'stimulative emotional arm' probable coping

Daughtersetmam Sunye "Shut down the factory under the fourth plan NO....Husband agreement" Nersre (Gold Counselor)

'Wonder Girls' Sunye, and the irritating emotional arm .. I'm sorry to escape from the Indifferent.

Sunye "First Daughter, Ptosis+language development Slow" Agonies Oh Eun Young Advice (Gold Counselor)

"My widowed father, he lived with another woman...Sunye, a non-general family history ('Gold Counselor')

Oh Eun Young "Burn Out Sunye? That doesn't fit the horse, extreme Withdrawal" pack width ('Gold')