
Lee Yoon-ji, Sewol

Lee Yoon-ji, autumn atmosphere ..

"Dentist" Lee Yoon-ji, who do you miss? "I'll wait for you to contact me."

Lee Yoon-ji, embarrassed by side's daughter Soul, says: "I'll pass this."

From Dentist and Inspection to elite judges...the Professional Spouse of Entertainment

Lee Yoon-ji, 'Dentist' deprived of his life... but the second iceball Smile can't stand this!

'Dentist' Lee Yoon-ji, humiliated by super-neighbor selfies ..Preservatives Beautiful look class

Lee Yoon-ji, wife who found Jung Han-ul Orthodonics "He goes sneak"

Lee Yoon-ji, 'Hanwool Hanul' Rani X Soul is still .. I'll bruise you for a while!

Kim Jae-wook Lee Yoon-ji, entertainment industry Condolences wave toward late Yo Sang-chul

Lee Yoon-ji Jung Hanul, stone-strewn nerve warfare...Physician Father stethoscope vs. actor Mom Mike, what's the result?

Lee Yoon-ji, beautiful 'daughter's mother'

'Dentist' Lee Yoon-ji, hanging on the iron rods .. Abdominal muscle power is great.

Lee Yoon-ji 'Bobbling' 7-year-old daughter Rani, when did you grow up like this? Girl feeling Paul Paul

Lee Yoon-ji, Rani X Soul with two daughters and photo shoot 'Bungeo-pang mother and daughter'

The late Park JISUN 'a close Friend', in their own way,