
All The Butlers' Jang Dong-min "Jewelry Records of the Grand Historian, 5 billion won in a moment for 20 million won..."

Jang Dong-min "Jewelry fraud case, thought I set...Safe also rents" (All The Butlers)

All The Butlers' Jang Dong-min, 5 billion Jewelry Records of the Grand Historian, was hit..."reappraisal price 40 million won."

All The Butlers' Jang Dong-min "acquaintance Jewelry stands warranty and then billions of units are scammed"

An Sohee, "American character" The Pawnbroker Goodbye greeting "Thank you, I'm so sorry"

Kwak Si-yang, Jeon So-min, Burluck "Would You Buy Who" in The Pawnbroker deal (Running Man)