
Lee Soo-young "Pre-Property Records of the Grand Historian, Mental and...Property inheritance NO to his son" (National Recept)

"It increased to 50 ~ 128kg in slump + Records of the Grand Historian depression, and it was hard to breathe"

"Danger Confessions" Hong Sung-ki "Lets my wife Lee Hyun-yi, Records of the Grand Historian informing Card + Password and Kyung Chul Seo"

Hye Eun Yi, and Records of the Grand Historian Damage? Instepd on Dok2 believer...Park Won-sook also "tears" ('Let's Live Like')

Fake Fisheries Records of the Grand Historian Incident, Son Dam-bi and Jung Ryeo-won and Park Ha-sun "NO"

Son Dam-bi, Jungryu One "The Fishery Records of the Grand Historian Unrelated, Gift, Cash All Returned...The Red Car Used"

Yang Sang-guk "Affiliated Records of the Grand Historian 100 million Loss, Tuition of Life...Chun Dew Referred? Naturally" (Interview)

'Kobongi' Jang Jae-young "Records of the Grand Historian's monthly income from 100 million won to 400,000 won.

Kim Young-ok Husband Wind+Kim Soo-mi Busan separation + Kim Yong-rim Husband Records of the Grand Historian 'Shocking Confessions' (Dolsing Forman)

Baek Jong-won "I want to stop the ally restaurant because I feel dirty" ... Furious in the chicken ribs son 'Records of the Grand Historian'

'The ally restaurant' Baek Jong-won, fake tears on chicken ribs, "This is Records of the Grand Historian, I feel dirty"