Kim Young-ok Husband Wind+Kim Soo-mi Busan separation + Kim Yong-rim Husband Records of the Grand Historian 'Shocking Confessions' (Dolsing Forman)

Kim Young-ok and Kim Soo-mi have heard 'Direct Forman' as shock Confessions.
Kim Young-ok, Kim Yong-rim, and Kim Soo-mi appeared on SBS 'Take off your shoes and dolsing foreman' broadcast on August 10.
Kim Young-ok, Kim Yong-rim and Kim Soo-mi appeared on the show, and each of them was in the 62nd, 56th and 50th years of marriage, and surprised the stone singers Tak Jae-hun, Lim Won-hee, Lee Sang-min and Kim Jun-ho.
Lee Sang-min asked a surprise question, "Who do not want to look like my Husband among the four of us?" And Tak Jae-hun received the most two votes. Kim Yong-rim only chose Kim Jun-ho.
When Tak Jae-hun asked, "Why did you marriage with someone like me?" Kim Soo-mi said, "I did not know." Husband does not think about tomorrow. “You just have fun today,” he said. Kim Young-ok said, "What is similar is that there is no responsibility." "I have a strong sense of responsibility, but I can not like to play like that."
Kim Yong-rim said, "I can not do evil to a good and innocent person. And foolish. That is a shame. “You shouldn’t live like that,” Kim Jun-ho said, and admitted that “I’ve had a lot of Records of the Grand Historian.” Kim Yong-rim also said, "Our Husband has also been recorded as Records of the Grand Historian."
When Lee Sang-min asked, "Can you tell me one of the biggest mistakes and accidents that Husband made?" Kim Jun-ho speculated, "Is not it normal business?" Kim Young-ok sang "Do not blow Wind" and Confessions Husband's Wind. Kim Young-ok lamented, "But I live with it all."
When Lee Sang-min asked if he had ever considered divorce, Kim Young-ok said, "I had a lot of times when I wanted to do it five thousand times." Kim Soo-mi said, "I have lived enough to know how I feel about a divorced person." Kim Soo-mi said he had tried to separate from him, saying, "I bought a house in Busan and went back and forth.
When Kim Jun-ho was worried that he was “divorcing,” Kim Soo-mi replied, “I’m not going to divorce, but I did it because I didn’t want to come home.” Kim Young-ok said, "You have done everything you have to do. I went out to One Week. I have the youngest in my brother's house. "He envied Kim Soo-mi, saying that he had only tried to run away from One Week.