lg has a strong three-punch, which Zata is accredited by: Tyler Brian Wilson and Casey Kelly Clarkson were the league's best The punch press last year. Here, it always leads to left-hander Cha Woo-chan, who gives his share.
But now, at this point, lg's Ace may not be the three players. This is because the rise of high school graduate Lee Min-ho (19) is brilliant, while the three players show some ups and downs at the beginning of the season. Of course, Lee Min-ho will still have a long way to go to become the team's real Ace, but at least it is these days enough to leave the expectation that it will be the team's real Ace at some point.
sk and Doubleheader 1Kyonggi, which were held at Jamsil-dong Stadium on the 11th, were able to get a good glimpse of that possibility. Lee Min-ho scored 112 pitches in seven innings to score one run in six Hits and seven strikeouts, winning his second victory of the season; the result was also a result, but the content was also encouraging. It was not luck, it was a skill, because it turned the relatively monotonous Meru into a ball, a pattern, and a balls.
Lee Min-ho tied sk batters with a four-shim fastball of up to 148km and a slider of up to 141km. He had six Hits but was not allowed to Hit, so he was able to play a relatively relaxed Kyonggi. On the other hand, the curves and forkballs that were thrown from time to time were also Hit by the strike zone, taking away the timing of sk Hitters.
The fact that Lee Min-ho minimized the four-stroke game with an active game was the driving force behind Lee Min-ho's seven-time performance. Lee Min-ho also picked the four-shoe cut after Kyonggi as the biggest harvest for Kyonggi. Sometimes the ball was out of the way, but the concentration after 2S was formidable.
It was also the day when he recorded the most number of pitches (112) by a single individual. Just before, Kyonggi (pre-Samsung Lions on June 2) expanded his Meru further beyond 100. The team showed off the stamina, which should be equipped with a complete selection, with the balls not dropping much in the seventh inning.
The first lg starter Pitcher of the season to score 2Kyonggi straight Quality start Plus (seven innings and three ERAs or less) was Lee Min-ho, not Brian Wilson, Kelly Clarkson or Cha Woo-chan. Given that the two Foreign players who have not fully escaped from the aftermath of the self-defense show some ups and downs, the assumption that "if there was no Lee Min-ho" is now something lg does not want to imagine.
lg plans to use Lee Min-ho as much as possible because he is a high school graduate. I don't think there is any reason to overdo it. In fact, there is no clear self-know-how about the 144Kyonggi system yet. However, if lg manages Lee Min-ho at the right time and when it is best, it is a flow that can be watched this year. Lee Min-ho is now a Pitcher waiting for his next start.