Lee Min-ho was a big Hit.
LG Twins Lee Min-ho pitched at the Samsung Lions Lions and Kyonggi in the '2020 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO League' held at Jamsil-dong Stadium in Seoul on June 2.
Lee Min-ho, who started at Kyonggi on the day, scored two runs in seven innings. Lee Min-ho pitched the most debut innings and also recorded his first Quality start.
Lee Min-ho allowed Hit to first-time leadoff Hitter Kim Sang-su, who walked Park Chan-do to get a two-run double to Tyler Saladino. Saladino, who raced to third base, was caught by the defense and Lee Min-ho struck out Lee Won-seok and Hak-ju Lee to finish the inning.
In the second inning, Kim Dong Yub was Hit by a fly ball, Lee Sung-Gyu was grounded, and Kang Min-ho was treated as a fly ball.
In the third inning, Kim Hun-Gon was treated as a flying ball and allowed Hit to Kim Sang-su. Lee Min-ho, who struck out Park Chan-do, was also Hit by a double by Saladino, who was on the verge of second and third bases with two outs, but finished the inning by striking out Lee Won-seok.
In the fourth inning, he struck out Hak-ju Lee and allowed Kim Dong Yub to play. Lee Min-ho, who handled Lee Sung-Gyu, finished the innings by catching Kim Dong Yub with checks. In the fifth inning, Kang Min-ho was grounded, Kim Hun-Gon was floated, and Kim Sang-su was grounded.
In the sixth inning, he gave up a walk to lead Hitter Park Chan-do, but struck out Saladino and Lee Won-seok and blocked Hak-ju Lee with a grounder. Lee Min-ho also came to the Mound in the seventh inning and gave Hit to Kim Dong Yub, but struck out Lee Sung-Gyu and treated Kang Min-ho as a sickness.
Ahn Hyung-joon / Pyo Myeong-jung