
Ahn Jung-hwan "Cha Tae-hyun and Sumk, Kim Yong-man spoke to Friend" (unity is a good choice)

Ahn Jung-hwan "Cha Tae-hyun and I'm sorry...Kim Yong-man told Friend to speak" (Bunchan 2)

'Union 2' Kim Joon-hyun's sister appears, "So Sweet" fanships on Park Tae-hwan

tested positive Ryu Seung-min commissioner shoots 'Mulberry monkey school' four days before Departure

"4kg missing and smelling loss"...Jang Min-Ho and Han Hye-jin and Lee Min-hyuk and Ha Seung-jin, COVID-19 cured afterward.

Young Tak confirmed COVID-19 among Self-Quarantine...Park Tae-hwan Mo Tae-Bum and the recording aftermath (official entry)

Jang Min-Ho side "admission to quarantine facility today (17th), keeping Self-Quarantine except Jung Dong-won"

'Covid tested positive' Jang Min-Ho, instalment of isolation facility...maintaining Self-Quarantine, including Lim Young-woong and Young Tak

'Six Days of Strengthening Prevention': Sportsman, Singer and entertainment, Continued Isolation

Na Hoon-a pushes Deagu Concert on entertainment industry Covid emergency

Jang Min-Ho, COVID-19 confirmation "Into TOP6 Power Self-Quarantine" (Official announce)

You and I are also 'Affair'...COVID-19's "Chooting" in the entertainment industry

Ha Seung-jin Park Tae-hwan Sports Continuous tested positive, feared Infection spread