Singer Jang Min-Ho has been confirmed COVID-19.
"Mr. Trott" TOP6 agency New Era project said on July 17th through the official fan cafe, "I apologize," said Jang Min-Ho, who was confirmed by COVID-19 Inspection.
According to the agency, Jang Min-Ho is currently in its own Self-Quarantine and has no health specifics.
"Jang Min-Ho will cancel all official schedules and follow the guidelines of the anti-virus authorities. In addition, all employees and field staff who have overlapping or contacting with each other will take necessary measures by conducting Inspections. "All TOP6 members are currently maintaining their own Self-Quarantine."
The cast of the TV Chosun 'King Sejong Institute' conducted a preemptive COVID-19 Inspection on the 15th. Park Tae-hwan, who had been confirmed by COVID-19, and Park Tae-hwan, who had been recording, were on the filming of 'King Sejong Institute' on the 13th. Park Tae-hwan was later confirmed COVID-19 on Wednesday morning.
New Era Project. I'm sorry to interrupt.
Jang Min-Ho was confirmed as a result of the COVID-19 Inspection.
Jang Min-Ho is currently in its own Self-Quarantine, and has no health specifics.
Jang Min-Ho will then cancel all official schedules and follow the guidelines of the anti-virus authorities. In addition, all employees and field staff who have overlapping or contacting the line will also conduct Inspections and take necessary measures.
All TOP6 members currently maintain their own Self-Quarantine:
The New Era project will do its best to manage the disease by cooperating with the guidelines of the anti-virus authorities.
I'm sorry to bother you. Thank You.