The landlord is 'unvaccinated + nomask', the house guest is 'PCR Inspection'. 'tested positive' Lee Ji-ae kim jung-geun controversy

Lee Ji-ae, an anchor broadcaster, and MBC announcer kim jung-geun have been judged to have been tested positive for Covid19, and the recent recent situation of inviting juniors to their homes has been reexamined and netizens are criticizing.
According to Lee Ji-ae agency Steit Entertainment on the 2nd, Lee Ji-ae is on the verge of being judged by Covid19 tested positive.
The agency said, "Lee Ji-ae was being treated with basic disease, so he was coordinating the vacine inoculation schedule." Her husband, kim jung-geun, was also known to have not hit Vacine because of the basic disease.
However, Lee Ji-ae confirmed on November 29 that he invited his juniors to his house and enjoyed meeting with 'No Mask'. The photo shows Lee Ji-ae, who does not wear a mask and massages his junior.
In addition, the landlord did not meet Vaccine, but the juniors visited PCR Inspection at the time. Lee Ji-ae said, "My sisters who want to give generously Covid19 situation When I get better, I will see you when I get better. I am worried that it is a house with children. "I am a younger brother than me, but I am saddened by the swollen and hardened things here and there, so I massage them."
As the criticism poured out, Lee Ji-ae deleted the post. Netizens said, "I wonder what basic disease you have. I am very curious about the basic disease that does not fit Vacine well, but Vacine is very good at it. "" Vacine is not right, I do not wear masks more than I do, "and" I look at recent posts. "Vacine no, mask no, responsibility no " If you were not going to wear it, you should have been hit by Vacine. "