
Kang Daniel, Idol chart rating The most ever earned '70,000 votes' ..44 consecutive weeks

Kang Daniel records the highest number of votes in the Idol chart rating list '70,000 votes'

Kang, Daniel, Idol Chart rating ranking up..... vote..'7 million goal for the record'

Kang Daniel, apply to his agency for an injunction to suspend the exclusive contract. "Sorry to the fans."

Kang Daniel, 50,000 Followers in five hours of Insta opening...

'Affiliate Dispute' Kang Daniel, Personal SNS New Opening .. New profile release + no position

"In dispute with LM Opening a new SNS ..Kang Daniel, will the truth be known?

Kang Daniel "The Truth Will Be Known" VS LM Enter "Misunderstood...Wonman Efforts to Agree"

Kang Daniel, opening a new SNS account at 12:00 on the 4th .. 'Conflict with his affiliate' What is another truth?

Kang Daniel "Dispute" VS LM Entertainment "Misunderstood"...What's the truth to be told?

LM Enter "Amicable Agreement" VS Kang Daniel "Truth Will Be Known"

Kang Daniel's content proof lost 'Innocence', while LM response only raised 'Misunderstood' (specializing in Kang Daniel SNS)

Kang Daniel "We're in a conflict" (specialized)

Kang Daniel, I'll give my agency proof of content. "If you don't change the contract, I'll terminate the contract."

Kang Daniel, who's preparing to stand alone,

Kang Daniel side "Company - The Artist Misunderstood, I'll do my best to reach an agreement"

Kang Daniel, leave LM alone?...introduced by victory in the background.