
Sung Si-kyung vs. Nuriman, 'Snowdrop' history debate controversy

History Distortion Controversy 'Snowdrop' OST Speculation Singers to Fire, Unsettled Future

'Snowdrop' concerns 'Queen Cheorin' VOD resumes, history debates

'Snowdrop' re-ignited history Distortion controversy, only to be surprised by the lid of the pot

"Is there no history problem"...Snowdrop, boycott public opinion recurs

Lee Ji-hoon "I'm a guy without a distribution to Gut, I'm Billioned"

"Distortioned Truth"...Kim Seon-ho, Will You Be a Parasitism?

Kim Seon-ho, seaweed soup boiled, nothing changes

Kim Seon-ho side "Dispatch report? I have nothing to say."

"Ask Mr. Choi Vincy Chan...Kim Seon-ho, 12 Distorted Truths