
CLc, 'Helicopter' Second Concept Image...Black and white charisma

clc Kwon Eunbin, 'unique visual' on eyeballs like Deer

CLc, new song 'Helicopter' First concept Image ..

CLc (CEL), Visual Film Revealed

"Good Girl" clc Park Ye-eun "Self Makeup Not Good, Lipman Point"

'Good Girl' clc Jang Ye-eun, a picture of just shooting ..Sight capturing visual

clc Jang Ye-eun, slender Neckline + white Skins Beautiful look...

CL (CLc), new song 'Devil' concept Image release ..Sick Reversal story beauty

CLc (CL), new single 'Devil' concept cut is released ..

CLc, announced on 6th digital single 'Devil'...The first concept Image is released!

CLc Kwon Eunbin 'shines' on beautiful look that shines over trophy

MomoLand Jui 'Airport fashion Completed with Blue jeans+ White Tea'