
Seol Min-seok, who turned out to be a 'fake', is a controversy over history distribution and plagiarism.

'Plagiarism of Paper' Seol Min-seok returns to broadcasting for one year and 10 months .. The new history show 'The privacy of the gods'

"Thanks to national mom Hye-ja Kim, 'guarantee 10 times' run" Reverse running Shinhwa in 7 years ('Tuesday Night')

'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest' Jun Jinryu Seo-yool Lee - Andy Lee Eun-ju, Chain Reaction Counterfeit in Couples' Meeting

Ryu-yool Lee "Lonely Jun Jin loves a lot of love...I will have slowly"

Shinhwa Andy, artisan Andy Zhang Mo marriage Opposition Confessions 'marriage plan' ('Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest')

Shin Hye Sung, a chronic disease that has not been solved for 21 years ..

"Shin Hye-sung, health a lot bad"...Andy marriage absent Andy Shinhwa Discord closes theory

Lee Jin-wook, Andy Lee Eun-ju Wedding ceremony Civilian?

Shin Hye-sung, heavily armed Andy attending Andy Wedding ceremony "Two Leg Surgery" (Same Bed, Different Dreams 2)