"Thanks to national mom Hye-ja Kim, 'guarantee 10 times' run" Reverse running Shinhwa in 7 years ('Tuesday Night')

In the 38th episode of Tuesday is a good night', which opened the stage of 'Go to Naseong' of the fresh and youthful Miss Mr. Trot2 members, OST captains and Miss Mr. Trot2 members' sparkling OST stage Battle unfolded.
In the TV CHOSUN Tuesday is a good night' 38th episode <Gwiho River OST> featured Kim Min-kyo, kim kuk-hwan, Kim Hyung Joong and Im Ju Lee appeared on the 30th.
In this broadcast, the popular Drama <Dokkaebi> was shared, the movie <Matrix> Neo was transformed into a surprise boom, Jang Min Ho's different visuals, and popular Drama, Ms. Trot2 members' charming and colorful fashion attracted attention.
In the 38th episode, OST national representative kim kuk-hwan, who sang the popular Drama "What is Love" OST "Tatata", which shines at an average audience rating of 59.6%, appeared. kim kuk-hwan said, "There were two scenes in which my mother Hye-ja Kim was lamenting her while listening to 'Tatata'. guarantee rose 10 times vertically and went to the top of the top five consecutive weeks. "
The main character of the luxury Drama "Mom's Sea" OST "Lipstick Thickly Applied", which created the best stars of the day such as Hye-ja Kim, Ko Hyun Jung, Ko So Young and Choi Min Soo, OST Emotional Queen Lim Joo Lee boasted a deep tone on the night stage. This song was also a famous song that became a hot topic by national actor Hye-ja Kim in Drama. "At the time of the release, I was not very popular and I was ready to retire and left for the United States. The prize of the Republic of Korea was swept up to the table. "
OST Captain Kim Min-kyo showed off his cool singing skills like Cider by singing the popular Drama <Last Game> OST, which produced the best stars of the day such as Jang Dong-gun, Son Ji-chang and Shim Eun-ha. Then, Kim Hyung-jung, a romantic artisan, enthusiastically sang "I guess so" and excited Miss Mr. Trot2 members. In particular, silver silver, who wondered whether Kim Hyung-jung was married, said, "It is the voice I heard when I was a child. The fashion style is also my style." Kim Hyung-jung said in the night, "Many people know this song as a movie classic OST, but it is not true. "I guess it was" is a solo album song and inserted a movie scene into a music video. "
The first Battle of 1:1 Death Match was decorated by the main character of OST Captain Im Ju-ri and Miss Mr. Trot2 Legend stage 'Anh Na-yong'. Prior to the full-scale Battle, Im Ju-ri showed a hidden sense of entertainment by suppressing the steamer with "Is it crazy?" First, Jumi shot a point on his forehead and showed the stage of "Forgiveness" OST, and made the studio into a laughing sea with a more immersive performance than his wife's Temptation Jang Seo-hee. Boom, Kim Min-kyo, and Kim Tae-yeon's stage entry on the forehead made the studio hotter, and Jumi received 99 points. In response, Im Ju-ri gave a moist sensibility by singing "Lost Umbrella." However, Im Ju-ri, who confirmed the score, showed a warm impression by encouraging his junior.
In the second round, the youngest player's big match was held. Kim Tae-yeon, the official captain of the night, did not care about the captain this time, but shouted "Kim Da-hyun you come out!" Kim Tae-yeon, a baby tiger who opened 'Choi Seok-joon - Millennium' for his first victory, showed off his cute charm and full-fledged singing skills and achieved 100 points Shinhwa in his dream. Kim Da-hyun, who was surprised at Kim Tae-yeon's 100 points, chose the spleen song 'Lee Chan-won - the time of the season' for a 100-point draw. Kim Da-hyun showed a sad feeling that was not like a teenager, but he was disappointed by scoring 98 points. kim kuk-hwan said, "There was no flaw in breathing, pitch, and beat. Did you hear that karaoke machine, did you hear a cold?” and admired Kim Da-hyun's skills.
In the third round, Mr. Trotbaby Hong Ji-yoon pointed to OST captain kim kuk-hwan. Hong Ji-yoon, who won the title of Princess of the Empty in the meantime, gave a sad impression to the hidden card song Ahn Ye-eun - Sang Sang Hwa' for the new first victory and received 98 points. kim kuk-hwan, who was "I was ruined" on the stage of Hong Ji-yoon, raised the enthusiasm of the studio by singing "Hyun-in - Love in Dream". kim kuk-hwan, who finished the stage, lost by only one point, and Hong Ji-yoon finally escaped the third consecutive victory and enjoyed the joy of victory.
After the enthusiastic fourth round Battle of the dance goddess Hwang Woo-rim and OST Captain Kim Hyung-jung, the special medley of the Drama OST featured Hong Ji-yoon X Kim Eui-young X star love singing <Jealous>, <Walking to the sky>, <Lovers of Paris> OST. I laughed.
In the fifth round, Star Love raised expectations by pointing out Kim Eui-young. Capsaicin Voice Kim Eui-young showed off her spicy treble by singing 'Beauty is distressed - Maria'. In particular, Kim Eui-young completed the stage of high-pitched explosions, kneeling on stage for the first time since his debut; Kim Eui-young, who scored 97 points on a spicy stage. In response, Mr. Trotdiva star love called <Gentleman and Lady> OST 'Im Young-woong - Love always runs away', but he lost a sad feeling by only one point.
Then came the lucky fairy dance Mr. Trot emperor Park Sang-chul, who made the studio a crucible of excitement by singing the song "Unconditional" in the Taechang. In the sixth round, silver silver silver set the stage for OST captain Kim Min-kyo's "one-sided" stage, and Kim Min-kyo selected "Lie on the Sea" and showed the stage of the explosion. After a lucky draw with a charm of reversal, the final score was Boom Team 6: Minho Team 8. The last stage, the youngest Kim Tae-yeon X Kim Da-hyun and kim kuk-hwan, gave me the pleasure of returning to concentricity to viewers.
Viewers said, "What is love, the last game, I was happy to hear the memories of the Drama OSTs from my mother's sea," and "Hong Ji-yoon commercialization stage was a previous level. Congratulations on the escape of the losing streak, "" The cute youngest, Kim Tae-yeon, Kim Da-hyun's Battle did not stop laughing. "
On the other hand, Tuesday is a good night' is broadcast every Tuesday night at 10 pm.