
Kim Tae Hyong's confidence "We've done a lot of Kyonggi when it's cold"

lg starter Lee Min-ho says 'let's stop'

lg starter Lee Min-ho says 'strong kicking'

lg Lee Min-ho, 'Get My Ball'

lg starter Lee Min-ho says 'let's get started'

lg starter Lee Min-ho 'after Rosin'

lg starter Lee Min-ho to be vigorously rooted in ball

Lee Min-ho 'Is this it?'

Lee Min-ho '(Chung) Chan Heon, how about my pitch?'

Lee Min-ho 'throw it over here'

Lee Min-ho 'Isn't this how you throw it?'

Lee Min-ho of lg Against the Fight

lg Lee Min-ho 'Battle'

lg Lee Min-ho 'Battle'

lg's Lee Min-ho's counterattack

lg's Lee Min-ho's counterattack

Lee Min-ho's counterattack

Lee Min-ho's counterattack

a back-to-back Lee Min-ho

a back-to-back Lee Min-ho