
"Bumbaner" is one of the Evolutions, what changed Season 2 (Lee Seung-gi)

Park Min-young, the atmosphere you want to visit, whether the weather is good or bad

Park Min-young, Beauty Looks to Sight Rape...The Appearance of Black Goddess

Yoo Jae-Suk - Kim Jong-min - Lee Seung-gi - Park Min-young - Sehun - Sehun - The main characters (You are the perpetrator! Season 2)

"Bumbaner 2" Park Min-young "Lee Seung-gi joins, I like to have a peer...

'Bum Banner 2' Lee Seung-gi-gi Gi "The first meeting with Yoo Jae-Suk after 'X-Men'"

"Bumbaner 2" Lee Seung-gi "Yoo Jae-Suk and the entertainment co-work, I was so excited."

"Bumbaner 2" Kim Se-jeong "Park Min-young, the most troubled member of the team"

Lee Seung-gi - Park Min-young 'high five'

"The killer is Baro you 2" Park Min-young "Lee Seung-gi joins? I'm glad I got a peer Friend...

Lee Seung-gi "" "I am excited to join 'Bumbaner 2'...I learn a lot of first fixed entertainment with Yoo Jae-Suk"

'The killer is Baro You Season 2' Hit the jackpot! Feeling

"Bumbaner 2" Lee Seung-gi "I wanted to meet you after the Yoo Jae-Suk' X-Men..."

Baro you 2' Kim Jong-min "Lee Seung-gi '1 night' first year member ..It's good to see you again"

"Baro you" detectives

"Bumbaner 2" Yoo Jae-Suk "Lee Seung-gi joins, Lee Kwang-soo filled the vacancy perfectly."

"Bumbaner 2" Yoo Jae-Suk "Lee Kwang-soo's vacancy, Lee Seung-gi is fully filled"

Yoo Jae-Suk and Kim Jong-min and Lee Seung-gi and Park Min-young and Sehun and Sehun were cleaned 'back to the redundant detective'

The killer said, "We're back for season two."

The detectives of the "Baro you"