
Lee Hwi-jae, 'Shudol' "Kim Yong-gun Chen Waiting" ..KBS Entertainment Grand Prize Controversy

"Thank you Kim Seon-ho"...DinDin x Ravi reddish eyes in reference to Mun Se-yun, Kim Seon-ho

Mun Se-yun, who said he did not have mourning, won the Grand prize Awards

'KBS Entertainment Grand prize' Grand prize Mun Se-yun, undervalued blue-chip emergency

Mun Se-yun Grand prize and '2 Days & 1 Night' Best Program Award..."Thank you Kim Seon-ho."

'2 Days & 1 Night' Mun Se-yun "If you receive the entertainment, you will keep 'Kang Ho-dong head' for a month"

Mun Se-yun, Hyeri, Head size difference true story?

'2 Days & 1 Night' Kim Jong-min, "I feel like I brought a prank daughter" to Hyeri's scramble

Kim Min-kyung, who was sneaky and definitely pretty...Mun Se-yun reaction? ('Delicious guys')