
Kwon Yuri, Hawaii Girl in Nature Beauty... Up to femininity with overwhelmed dress

'Running Man' Ji Suk-jin, "During the Boyar expedition, Yoon Eun-hye says Yoo Jae-Suk is good" Disclosure

Kim Jong-kook "Haha, best liar among Christians I know" ('Running Man')

Hongja "I'm the only person who lives today...I'll get 1.2 billion at a time" ('a good harvest')

Girls' Generation Kwon Yuri, uncovered beauty 'I have done my eyes ~'

Girls' Generation Kwon Yuri, Couples' Hairstyle, Not Couples...With Who?

Girls' Generation Kwon Yuri, Mysterious ability to grow grass in clothes...

Kwon Yuri 'Goddess of pure white'

Jeon So-min, a self-conscious courtship to Ju Woo-jae (Running Man)

Yoo Jae-Suk, who dressed up as a 'Running Man' luxury goods, "I feel like a fake" humiliation evaluation

'Running Man' Jeon So-min, same age, full of self-interest in Joo Woo-jae, courtesies "cool"

'Running Man' Jeon So-min, first sight of the main prize "really cool"