
Can you revive the 'sweet apple', a fan who gave up the makeup of Song Ji-ah?

Kang Ye-won, who is called "my brother," deleted Song Ji-ah on SNS.

Song Ji-ah side "I do not add 1 won of trimase...I do not add anything

Song Ji-ah side "contracted with sponsors and no investment, money collected directly from the house"

Song Chong-gug, 2 Divorce + 5 Reasons for Laughing in Life "Jia and Ji-wook Look at the Goals" ('My Way')

song Chong-gug "Daughter Jia, formerly a baby but now young lady" (My Way)

'Girl 2' ending, Sung Hoon Songjiin Lee Min-young Moon Sung-ho Park Joo-Mi Bubae [DA: Review]

'Girl 2' Jeon No-Min, Jeon Soo-kyung marriage misfire Confessions...Tosa tool snail in the end?