35-year-old Kim Hye-seong, a recent transformation into long hair...Park Hae-mi "Has Gender Changed" Surprise (Documentary)

Kim Hye-seong has revealed the recent transformation into a long-haired one.MBCs Documentary Flex Youth Documentary - Unreservedly High Kick, which was broadcast on October 29, revealed the high Kick Actors who gathered in one place in 15 years.Jung Il-woo, who played the role of Lee Yoon-ho, appeared in the set of the house restored in 15 years. Jung Il-woo said, My memories that I forgot rose.It has been 15 years since then, but there was also this concern that the public and fans would still be curious. I cried in fact on the last day of recording the set High Kick without hesitation.I was very sick to think that I could not come back here and now it would be a memory for me, but it came in almost 15 years and it seems strange because it is almost the same.I am old. Kim Hye-seong, who played Lee Min-ho, was also surprised to see the set that reproduced the atmosphere at the time, saying, It is strange, almost the same.Jung Il-woo, Kim Hye-seong, who was twenty to thirty-five years old, and Jeong Jun-ha, who came out as a good father, said, I am really the same.Comet had grown up. He was a full-grown baby. Jung Il-woo seemed to have become a wildling.Minho was a little crooked, Jeong Jun-ha said, I am not a natural person. Thats when Park Hae-mi, who came out as the mother of Jung Il-woo and Kim Hye-seong, appeared.Park Hae-mi, who greeted each person with a good greeting, looked at Kim Hye-seong, who was long-haired, and said, I have a daughter. How did the sex change?When they were older, Park Hae-mi was surprised to hear, What the hell, old bachelors?Lee Soon-jae and Na Moon-hee came in on the set afterwards.Lee Soon-jae said, It is good to meet you for a long time, and I still have a lot of good old thoughts because I am still alive.I met him in fifteen years, but he was as good and emotional as the person I met yesterday, and I was relaxed at that time, Na Moon-hee said.Park Hae-mi also said, It was so good. Some people went there sometimes, but it was good. Suddenly, I feel like it.
Kim Hye-seong has revealed the recent transformation into a long-haired one.MBCs Documentary Flex Youth Documentary - Unreservedly High Kick, which was broadcast on October 29, revealed the high Kick Actors who gathered in one place in 15 years.Jung Il-woo, who played the role of Lee Yoon-ho, appeared in the set of the house restored in 15 years. Jung Il-woo said, My memories that I forgot rose.It has been 15 years since then, but there was also this concern that the public and fans would still be curious. I cried in fact on the last day of recording the set High Kick without hesitation.I was very sick to think that I could not come back here and now it would be a memory for me, but it came in almost 15 years and it seems strange because it is almost the same.I am old. Kim Hye-seong, who played Lee Min-ho, was also surprised to see the set that reproduced the atmosphere at the time, saying, It is strange, almost the same.Jung Il-woo, Kim Hye-seong, who was twenty to thirty-five years old, and Jeong Jun-ha, who came out as a good father, said, I am really the same.Comet had grown up. He was a full-grown baby. Jung Il-woo seemed to have become a wildling.Minho was a little crooked, Jeong Jun-ha said, I am not a natural person. Thats when Park Hae-mi, who came out as the mother of Jung Il-woo and Kim Hye-seong, appeared.Park Hae-mi, who greeted each person with a good greeting, looked at Kim Hye-seong, who was long-haired, and said, I have a daughter. How did the sex change?When they were older, Park Hae-mi was surprised to hear, What the hell, old bachelors?Lee Soon-jae and Na Moon-hee came in on the set afterwards.Lee Soon-jae said, It is good to meet you for a long time, and I still have a lot of good old thoughts because I am still alive.I met him in fifteen years, but he was as good and emotional as the person I met yesterday, and I was relaxed at that time, Na Moon-hee said.Park Hae-mi also said, It was so good. Some people went there sometimes, but it was good. Suddenly, I feel like it.

Kim Hye-seong has revealed the recent transformation into a long-haired one.

MBC's Documentary Flex Youth Documentary - Unreservedly High Kick, which was broadcast on October 29, revealed the High Kick Actors who gathered in one place in 15 years.

Jung Il-woo, who played the role of Lee Yoon-ho, appeared in the set of the house restored in 15 years. Jung Il-woo said, "My memories that I forgot rose. It has been 15 years since then, but there was also this concern that the public and fans would still be curious. "

"I cried in fact on the last day of recording the set 'High Kick' without hesitation. I was very sick to think that I could not come back here and now it would be a memory for me, but it came in almost 15 years and it seems strange because it is almost the same. I am old.” Kim Hye-seong, who played Lee Min-ho, was also surprised to see the set that reproduced the atmosphere at the time, saying, "It is strange, almost the same."

Jung Il-woo, Kim Hye-seong, who was twenty to thirty-five years old, and Jeong Jun-ha, who came out as a good father, said, "I am really the same. Comet had grown up. He was a full-grown baby.’ Jung Il-woo seemed to have become a wildling. Minho was a little crooked, "Jeong Jun-ha said," I am not a natural person. "

That's when Park Hae-mi, who came out as the mother of Jung Il-woo and Kim Hye-seong, appeared. Park Hae-mi, who greeted each person with a good greeting, looked at Kim Hye-seong, who was long-haired, and said, "I have a daughter. How did the sex change?" When they were older, Park Hae-mi was surprised to hear, “What the hell, old bachelors?”

Lee Soon-jae and Na Moon-hee came in on the set afterwards. Lee Soon-jae said, "It is good to meet you for a long time, and I still have a lot of good old thoughts because I am still alive."

“I met him in fifteen years, but he was as good and emotional as the person I met yesterday, and I was relaxed at that time,” Na Moon-hee said. Park Hae-mi also said, “It was so good. Some people went there sometimes, but it was good. Suddenly, I feel like it.”