
lg Lee Min-ho - Doosan Flexen faces off against Junpo 1st Game pick

'Jamsil-dong Derby' Lee Min-ho - Flexen face off to start semi-PO first leg

First leg Cole Hamels Doosan Flexen-lg Lee Min-ho preview

'PS first start' Lee Min-ho - Flexen to take on Junpo 'first win' Honor Who

Jamsil-dong Derby, first-round pick Flexen - Lee Min-ho clash after 7 years

'Kwanrok and the Game are in play', Doosan Flexen, lg Lee Min-ho June PO 1st round selection notice

Flexen - Lee Min-ho, tomorrow's KBO Semi-playoff first-round pick

Doosan Flexen vs lg Lee Min-ho Days in the first round of the semi-PO matchup

'Jamsil-dong Derby in seven years' Flexen - Lee Min-ho, steamer depressurisation clash

'October Ace' Flexen-'Next Generation Ace' Lee Min-ho, Junpo first-round clash

'October strongman' Flexen-'next generation Ace' Lee Min-ho selects semi-PO first-round match