
"Get out of here"... "Gentleman and young lady" Lee Jong-Won, Lee Il-hwa I knew who he was... slapped and angry.

"Who are you?": Lee Jong-Won, ex-wife Lee Il-hwa, recognised plastic surgery and anger (gentleman and young lady)

'Gentleman and young lady' Lee Jong-Won, Lee Il-hwa: Did you know the previous one...shock ending

'Gentleman and young lady' Lee Il-hwa, ex-husband Lee Jong-Won hug "fears" ahead of cancer surgery

'Gentleman and young lady' Oh Hyun-kyung, see Lee Il-hwa, number 10

'Gentleman and young lady' Lee Se-hee, Lee Il-hwa to be discovered

Lee Jong-Won, who is as much '10 Cosmetic Surgery', recognizes Lee Il-hwa's face...'Tension MAX' ('gentleman')