
Na Hae-ryung Shin Se-kyung, hidden in the heart of the past 20 years ago!

"Na Hae-ryung" Shin Se-kyung, who is not an alternative, plays as "Ada Lovelace"

"Na Hae-ryung" Shin Se-kyung, who is an alternative Ada Lovelace...Na Hae-ryung is suffering from"

Shin Se-kyung's Voice Shakes Up the Na Hae-ryung' Chosun

The charm of the new cadets Na Hae-ryung Shin Se-kyung, Cha Eun-woo 19th century Joseon

Na Hae-ryung' Shin Se-kyung, Cha Eun-woo Audience Hollin The alternative is Na Hae-ryung'

The new employee, Na Hae-ryung, is not an alternative to Shin Se-kyung. From Cha Eun-woo to 19th century Joseon, he is now suffering from Na Hae-ryung.

Lee Seung-gi Confessions "'Little Forest' is Fader Bogopa" .6%

Lee Seung-gi Confessions "I Think Father in My Look" (Little Forest)

Lee Seung-gi's Confessions Showing Another Value of 'Little Forest'

'Little Forest' Lee Seung-gi-gi Gi "I want to see my Father" Confessionss .. The highest audience rating '6.2%'

'Little Forest' Lee Seung-gi "I miss my Father" Confessionss... 'Best minute'