
Yoshihiro Akiyama - Chu Love, 'Smile of Panque'

Yoshihiro Akiyama and Chu Love 'Whose Mouths Are Bigger?'

Park Seo-joon's 'Model Ratio Is Outstanding'

Infinite Elle, "It's a piece from the side."

Sean 'skin fashion that went ahead of the season'

Yoshihiro Akiyama, 'We had a lot of love, didn't we?'

DIA Jung Chae-yeon 'Teacher of Chung Soon-mi'

Tiara Hyomin 'sim-kung eye-catching'

AOA Jimin 'sweet-looking forearm tattoo'

Yoshihiro Akiyama loves daughter's stupid smile in front of her

"Renew Reese...Seolhyun, the irrefutable goddess.

Yoshihiro Akiyama, daughter's dumb honey-dropping eyes