
Itaewon Class' Park Seo-joon, revenge will "I can not have my Happiness"

'Itaewon Klath' Park Seo-joon 'played' with revenge will to attack Yo Jae-myung

'Itaewon Clath' Park Seo-joon, 'straight and straight' .. Extreme enduring

"I'm Blood Diamond" "Itaewon Class," a clunky holdout of hard youth

'One Clath' Park Seo-joon rejects Kim Da-mi straight-up Confessions "Don't Like Me"

'I love you' Confessions... tears at rejection, Kim Da-mi, Park Seo-joon

'One Clath' Kim Da-mi, Park Seo-joon straight Confessions "I Love You"

'One Clath' Class Other Teamwork, Youth Manleb 'Danbams' Behind the Open

'Itae One Clath' Park Seo-joon, Kim Da-mi and Kim Dong-hee.