
Running Man' Lee Kwang-soo, caught by Kim Jong-kook a second before winning, 'best minute'

Running Man' Lee Kwang-soo, 1 second before winning Kim Jong-kook .. Best 1 minute '7.5%'

Lee Kwang-soo, who was caught by Anyang's son Kim Jong-kook one second before the Running Man' 1 minute 7.5%

Running Man' Yoo Jae-Suk X Lee Kwang-soo, a tense Chase...poor defeat

Running Man' Kim Jong-kook, did you just fight well? 'Anyang's son' proves dignity

Running Man' Kim Jong-kook X The Chaser, Kim Jong-kook Finds Race' Final Win...What's the prize money distribution?

Running Man' Jeon So-min, told Yang Se-chan: "Give me 300,000 won and I'll help the fugitive team...Proposal for a deal.

Running Man' Kim Jong-kook, traitor Lee Kwang-soo arrested and won 3 million won prize money .. Anyang's son certification

Running Man' Lee Kwang-soo, Yoo Jae-Suk for betraying?' Arest "mission failure" on Kim Jong-kook