
'City of Duke' Soo Ae warns of salvage on habitual affair Kim Kang-woo: "If you get caught, you'll kill him."

'City of Duke' Kim Mi-sook holds Soo Ae who ran for his life

'City of Duke' Soo Ae, kissed ex-boyfriend Lee Chung-ju Kim Mi-sook caught a weakness "shot of shock"

'City of Duke' Soo AevsKim Ji Hyon Sungjin's exploding confrontation of daughter-in-law

'City of Duke' Kim Kang-woo Knows Soo Ae, World of Shaking Couple

'City of the Duke' Soo Ae, was there a Nam Myung-ryul in the center of marriage?

'City of the Duke' Soo Ae Kim Joo-ryong,