
'What do you do when you play?' 3% Terrible TV viewer ratings, I finally got a knife ... 5 people system reorganization will rebound

Hangout with Yoo' by Jeong Jun-ha and Shin Bong-sun disjoint

rock bottom TV viewer ratings 'Humiliation', 3% Anxiety

Lee Yi-kyung X Lee Mi-joo captures public Date, ends romance rumors...Yoo Jae-Suk and immersion

"What is he?" - Lee Seong-Mi, first seen in Lee Mi-joo's "Bibrook"

"Lee Mi-joo left and Jeong Jun-ha left?"... "What's the point of playing" Reorganization's blade

'What do you do when you play?' Irony of Reorganization, lack of competence PD ⁇ member Discrimination is 'still'

"Jeong Jun-ha and Shin Bong-sun and Lee Yi-kyung and Park Jin-joo disjoint?"

'Controversy over favoritism' Haha, the viewer is also embarrassed .. 'Lee Yi-kyungVSYang Se-chan' Is it?