
Kim Kwang-kyu, who did not buy a house even if he had money, '

Lee Tae-min depression worsens and subsidizes...

Sunye "The Looks Burden That Changed for Ten Years"...bak junga "I Think I'm Going to Fall Out" (Mum Idol)

SHINee Lee Tae-min, surprise greetings from military service "I miss you"

"Tough and powerful!" SHINee Minho certifies Coffee or Tea sent by youngest Lee Tae-min

"Support, I love you"...SHINee Minho, Lee Tae-min Enlisted Walking Out

SHINee brothers gathered for 'Military service' Lee Tae-min, revealed by Hairstyle

'I Live Alone' SHINee Lee Tae-min First public, Key and Memories Travel Impression Destruction

SHINee Key, Military service, told Lee Tae-min, "I really care about you and I love you."

SHINee Lee Tae-min, artistic gesture...'a silent presence'

"Imagination exisure a bit": Lee Tae-min 'Advice' to fly Blady Sadness

'SHINee' Lee Tae-min, Enlisted 2 weeks left, Ice cream can't give up'

'Enlisted soon' Lee Tae-min, new song long-haired transform...Teaser expected

"Concepts artisan"...SHINee Lee Tae-min, "SAD Kids" connects Sensibility Remady